Sunday, October 11, 2009

Entah apa yang membelenggu diriku kini...

Konflik diri ku tentang kareer, tentang anak2 dan sebagainya
Tak sanggup ku hadapi lagi..tolong

Sunday, October 4, 2009

weekend yang best namun buat saya rasa tak sedap badan

menjelang hari jumaat, saya rasa seronok sekali. mana taknya saya dapat berjumpa suami tercinta... semenjak kahwin, inilah rutin harian saya.... hujung ni rumah saya ada tetamu yang paling istimewa, mak, ayah dan mak ngah. kebetulan, mereka lama skit di bangi sebab ada majlis di putrajaya pada hari sabtu dan ahad. bersyukur sangat dapat spend masa lama skit ngan anak tersayang ika... saya ikut mereka konvoi raya pada hari sabtu. namun saya rasa mabuk sangat o d way jalan raya tu... tak taula kenapa..

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Impian SAYA part II

Buat abang yang merupakan pembaca setia blog ni.
Saya nak abang bimbing dan bantu saya kembali ke pangkal jalan... I mean membantu saya supaya berpegang teguh dengan ajaran dan panduan yang dipraktikkan dalam Islam.Saya kerap mempertikaikan segala qada' dan qadar Illahi... adakah masih terbuka pintu taubat buatku...Ya Allah, kau berikanla peluang untukku memperbaiki segala kesilapan yang saya lakukan selama ini.Janganla kau terus gelapkan hati ku ini....berikan la aku kekuatan untuk ku hadapi semua ini.

Impian SAYA

hari ni rasa tak ada mood nak speakinglak..
bicara soal hati ni kekadang susah nak translate in BI...
so BM pun ok ma...
Dah lama saya tak muhasabah diri saya ni... bukan nak salahkan anak2... tapi saya masih dalam proses menyesuaikan diri sebagai isteri dan ibu lagi...maka masa saya masih lagi tak well organized.. tambah lagi saya dan suami dok berjauhan...saya memang tak bermotivasi langsung...
APA yang berkecamuk dalam hati saya ni?
banyak sangat.. ANTARANYA......
amalan solat dan puasa sunat banyak ditinggalkan. kekadang amalan yang wajib pun selalu ditinggalkan..
hati saya langsung rasa tak tenang....kenapa ye..
dah lama sangat tak amalkan surah yassin dan solat dhuha setiap pagi..
inikan plak solat subuh pukul 6 pagi
selalu sangat qada'...
saya rasa tak bermotivasi langsung...
saya malas sangat nak bangun....
apa yang nak jadi pada saya ni...
dah lama sangat tak memohon doa pada Allah... lepas solat terus pegang anak
saya tak salahkan anak...
silap saya sendiri
saya takut sangat saya terus lalai dengan urusan duniawi sampai langsung meninggalkan urusan akhirat...
inikah ujian bagi saya...
saya rasa tak mampu menghadapinya seorang diri lagi....
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya. Ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan) yang diusahakannya dan ia mendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya. (Mereka berdo'a): "Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau hukum kami jika kami lupa atau kami tersalah. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau bebankan kepada kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang-orang sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami, janganlah Engkau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tak sanggup kami memikulnya. Beri ma'aflah kami; ampunilah kami; dan rahmatilah kami. Engkaulah Penolong kami, maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir."(al-baqarah:286)

I am still in love with my hubby part I

Tidak perlu mencari teman secantik Balqis jika diri tidak seindah Sulaiman..
Mengapa mengharap teman setampan Yusuf jika kasih tidak setulus Zulaikha..
Tidak perlu diri menjadi seteguh Ibrahim jika diri tidak sekuat Hajar..
Mengapa diharap teman hidup seistimewa Khadijah jika diri tidak sesempurna Rasulullah.

Each of these words above really touched me.... I don't know why.... i am really touched by these words...Maybe, after reading these words, i am realized that how cruel i am to my hubby.......After 2 years i've been married, every week must be something that i am not satisfied with my husband... i do love him....since when i can not remember....that's only question that i still can not answer it yet till now....but the things that i notice... i love to write a letter to him when i was in matriculation college...i love to wait a letter from him.....on that time i still deny that i'm in love with him...maybe on that time i am "syok sendiri" with this guy...called Aziehan....He has a very good Chinese mata sepet ma... but the reality that i've to face that he do not like or interested on me....maybe when we meet, we feel like malu2.....i only like him because he has physical attraction...nothing more than that...we only communicate only twice.. how can we know that he like me or i feel in love with him... but one thing that i notice.. when i heard his voice...i tend to find bad attitude of him... maybe the way that orang JAWA talk, i did not like so much... eventhough i am jawa from i born till now....he222 the moral is we are difficult to find a perfect soulmate of ours.

I perform solat Istikharah a week to know the perfect guy for me and to find a soulmate of mine...but i keep on dreamt that my hubby is the one...And one more sign that i notice.. when we arrange for a date at KLCC, i felt so eager to meet him... I bought very pretty blouse and tudung just to look beautiful on that day that i meet him.... maybe ... he is the perfect guy for me....

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

oral Ulcer.. what should i know about that...

Here, i share some information about mouth ulcer.. hopefully it really useful and help you to cope the problem..

An oral ulcer is the name for the appearance of an open sore inside the mouth caused by a break in the mucous membrane or the epithelium on the lips or surrounding the mouth. The types of oral ulcers are diverse, with a multitude of associated causes including: physical or chemical trauma, infection from microorganisms, medical conditions or medications, cancerous and nonspecific processes. Once formed, the ulcer may be maintained by inflammation and/or secondary infection. Two common oral ulcer types are aphthous ulcers (canker sores) and cold sores (aka fever blisters)
There are many processes which can lead to ulceration of the oral tissues. In some cases they are caused by an overreaction by the body's own immune system. Factors that appear to provoke them include stress, illness and injury from accidental biting. Ulcers also can be caused by bug bites and animal bites. Oral ulcers are also a common result of ceasing cigarette smoking or tobacco chewing, affecting about two out of five quitters.
Minor physical injuries
Trauma to the mouth is a common cause of oral ulcers. A sharp edge of a tooth, accidental biting (this can be particularly common with sharp canine teeth, or Wisdom teeth), sharp, abrasive, or excessively salty food, poorly fitting dentures, dental braces or trauma from a toothbrush may injure the mucosal lining of the mouth resulting in an ulcer. These ulcers usually heal at a moderate speed if the source of the injury is removed (for example, if poorly fitting dentures are removed or replaced).
It is also common for these ulcers to occur after dental work, when incidental abrasions to the soft tissues of the mouth are common. A dentist can apply a protective layer of petroleum jelly before carrying out dental work in order to minimize the number of incidental injuries to the soft mucosa tissues.
Chemical injuries
Chemicals such as aspirin or alcohol that are held or that come in contact with the oral mucosa may cause tissues to become necrotic and slough off creating an ulcerated surface. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), one of the main ingredients in most toothpastes, has been implicated in increased incidence of oral ulcers.
Viral, fungal and bacterial processes can lead to oral ulceration. One way to contract pathogenic oral ulcerations is to touch your chapped lips without having washed your hands first.
The most common is Herpes simplex virus which causes recurrent herpetiform ulcerations preceded by usually painful multiple vesicles which burst. Herpes Zoster (shingles), Varicella Zoster (chicken pox), Coxsackie A virus and its associated subtype presentations, are some of the other viral processes that can lead to oral ulceration. HIV creates immunodeficiencies which allow opportunistic infections or neoplasms to proliferate.
Bacterial processes leading to ulceration can be caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis) and Treponema pallidum (syphilis).
Opportunistic activity by combinations of otherwise normal bacterial flora, such as aerobic streptococci, Neisseria, Actinomyces, spirochetes, and Bacteroides species can prolong the ulcerative process.
Coccidioides immitis (valley fever), Cryptococcus neoformans (cryptococcosis), Blastomyces dermatitidis ("North American Blastomycosis") are some of the fungal processes causing oral ulceration
Entamoeba histolytica, a parasitic protozoan is sometimes known to cause mouth ulcers through formation of cysts.
Immune system
Many researchers view the causes of aphthous ulcers as a common end product of many different disease processes, each of which is mediated by the immune system.
Aphthous ulcers are thought to form when the body becomes aware of and attacks chemicals which it does not recognize.
Repeat episodes of mouth ulcers can be indicative of an immunodeficiency, signaling low levels of immunoglobulin in the oral mucous membranes. Chemotherapy, HIV, and mononucleosis are all causes of immunodeficiency with which oral ulcers become a common manifestation.
Autoimmunity is also a cause of oral ulceration. Mucous membrane pemphigoid, an autoimmune reaction to the epithelial basement membrane, causes desquamation/ulceration of the oral mucosa.
Contact with allergens such as almagam can lead to ulcerations of the mucosa.
Vitamin C deficiencies may lead to scurvy which impairs wound healing, which can contribute to ulcer formation. Similarly deficiencies in vitamin B12, zinc have been linked to oral ulceration.
A common cause of ulcers is Coeliac disease, in which case consumption of wheat, rye, or barley can result in chronic oral ulcers. If gluten sensitivity is the cause, prevention means following a gluten-free diet by avoiding most breads, pastas, baked goods, beers etc. and substituting gluten-free varieties where available. Artificial sugars, such as those found in diet cola and sugarless chewing gum, have been reported as causes of oral ulcers as well.
Use of flovent without rinsing the mouth out afterwards may cause oral ulcers.
Oral cancers can lead to ulceration as the center of the lesion loses blood supply and necroses. Squamous cell carcinoma is just one of medical conditions associated with mouth ulcers
The following medical conditions are associated with mouth ulcers:
Behçet's disease
Bullous pemphigoid
Celiac disease (gluten sensitivity)
Crohn's disease
oral lichen planus
Lupus erythematosus
Oral thrush

Oral ulcer, medical leave, flu...antibiotic, throat inflammation

what an assumption day....
Last night i went to my sister's house...i really felt exhausted after returned back from work.. i know the possible cause.. after helping my husband prepared his clothes to work, i really can't sleep.. how can i go to work if ur vacation bag fullfilled ur dining room.. what a messy house. i really not m otivated to go to work today..... since my parents are here to beraya in KL, i felt ashamed to them. Slowly i finished to tidy just before i going to work at 9 o'clock in the morning...
At my sister's house, my baby showed a sign that he is sleepy. Usually, after breastfeed him, he can sleep well without any nuisance. Just because of my sister's house is quit noisy from mine, adam harith always woke up keep on crying.. i turn to be as lion to my daughter and her cousins just because of that.. finally at 12 o'clock , we finally sleep without disruption. At 6.45 oclock in the morning, my sister woke me up . but i really felt that my head is too heavy, my throat is so painful, and my oral ulser getting terrible, i going back to home. after prepared myself going to work, i told my brother to send me to clinic first.. I've told the symptoms that i have to the doctor, they diagnosed me that i had bacterial infection. i need to take antibiotic as the medication and give me medical leave to rest. After that, i bought adam's milk and brought it the nursery.. when i arrived there, i saw my son had been left lonely and as i had mom's instinct, i;ve decided to bring him back.. as a result, i did not have enough rest to my medical leave... hopefully i getting my own reward for that... amin.....